40 years of HCI International. Join us in Washington DC to celebrate

HCI scientists / professionals invite authors to submit paper contributions

presenting concepts and structures, models, research results, or findings showing how the demands of particular application areas shape the way generic research is translated into practical innovation

Accepted submissions will be included in the Conference proceedings

to be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) or Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) series

Present your scientific work to a large audience of HCI academics, researchers and practitioners

through a 20-minute presentation, in the context of a 2-hour thematic parallel session

Submit an invited paper proposal

Prospective authors should submit their proposal, upon invitation from a session organizer

Submission is now closed

Guidelines for camera-ready

Information For Paper Presenters

Submit an invited paper proposal

Prospective authors should submit should submit their proposal, upon invitation from a session organizer

The process is still open
for publication in the "HCII2024 - Late Breaking Papers" volumes

Guidelines for camera-ready

HCI scientists / professionals invite authors to submit paper contributions

presenting concepts and structures, models, research results, or findings showing how the demands of particular application areas shape the way generic research is translated into practical innovation

Accepted submissions will be included in the Conference proceedings

to be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) or Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) series

Present your scientific work to a large audience of HCI academics, researchers and practitioners

through a 20-minute presentation, in the context of a 2-hour thematic parallel session

Guidelines for Authors

Deadline for title and authors submission:
31 December 2023

Deadline for camera-ready submission:
26 February 2024 (extended deadline)

Deadline for author registration:
26 February 2024

Deadline for author registration:
10 May 2024

Deadline for camera-ready submission:
24 May 2024

Camera-ready paper length:
Typically 12 pages, but no less than 10 and no more than 20 pages

The Conference has a long established tradition of inviting distinguished scientists and professionals in the broader HCI field to organize parallel sessions.

  • Session organizers are responsible for inviting 6 prospective authors (academics, researchers and practitioners known in the field for their acknowledged work) to submit paper contributions. The invited authors should be active in the research topics addressed in the session.
  • Session organizers are also responsible for organizing and carrying out the peer-review process either on an extended abstract or the full paper (it is up to them).
  • It is also the responsibility of the session organizers to set up any intermediate deadlines with the authors in a way that would ensure that the camera-ready version of all session papers reach the Conference Organizers on time for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings.

After acceptance, the camera-ready version of full papers (typically 12 pages but no less than 10 and no more than 20 pages) should be submitted both in an editable format, like the freeware LaTeX or Microsoft Word (docx), and in PDF format. Authors are strongly encouraged to use the LaTeX format, which provides greater control of the layout, better typesetting of formulas, and effortless consistency of the final PDF that will be forwarded for publication. Guidelines for the camera-ready preparation and submission, as well as the LaTeX and Microsoft Word templates by Springer, are available.

The process was open until 26 February 2024 (extended deadline), under the guidance of Parallel Session Organizers, for publication in the volumes of the proceedigns that will appear before the conference.

Authors still have the opportunity to include their paper in the "HCII2024 - Late Breaking Papers" Springer LNCS volumes of the proceedings to appear after the conference, by registering until 10 May 2024 and submitting their camera-ready paper by 24 May 2024.


Session organizers are responsible for:

  • Selecting the mode of operation of their session:
    • Virtual only: to be scheduled between 29 June - 1 July
    • 'In-person', with the option for remote participation: to be scheduled between 2 - 4 July
      For all 'in-person' sessions, organizers are themselves expected to attend 'in-person'; some session participants may have the option of remote participation.
  • Inviting 6 prospective authors (academics, researchers and practitioners known in the field for their acknowledged work) to submit paper contributions. Together, the papers in this session should, in a complementary way, cover in breadth and in depth the selected thematic topic. This topic should contribute to the overall goals and objectives of the Conference. The invited authors should be active in the research topics addressed in the session.
  • Organizing and carrying out the peer-review process on the basis of the full paper or of an extended abstract. Session organizers will have the option of organizing the review of invited contributions through the CMS (i.e., they will be able to assign reviewers for each submission, send an automated invitation, monitor the responses of the reviewers, send to the authors the review results).
  • Determining the paper title and authors. It is necessary that the paper title and authors are in any case recorded in the Conference Management System (CMS) by 31 December 2023. Remind in advance authors to provide these details through their CMS accounts.
  • Requesting the camera-ready version of accepted papers. Once session organizers complete the review process for paper proposals and communicate the review results to the authors, they are kindly asked to request through the CMS the final, camera-ready version of these proposals. An automated email will be then sent to the authors with all necessary instructions and a specific area will be activated in the CMS where authors can upload their final paper and Copyright Form.
  • Setting up intermediate deadlines with the authors in a way that would ensure that the camera-ready version (full paper, typically 12 pages but no less than 10 and no more than 20 pages) of all session papers reach the Conference Organizers by the deadline of 26 February 2024 (extended deadline).
  • Checking the final version of submitted papers and approve it through the CMS by clicking on the respective button that will appear next to each paper title. If session organizers think that a submitted file needs improvement, they should contact the corresponding authors by email and ask them to upload a revised version, which session organizers should check again. Only those papers, for which session organizers click the "Approve" button, will be included in the Conference Proceedings. More detailed instructions about the submission of the camera-ready papers are available.
  • Reminding authors to register by 26 February 2024, in order to have their paper included in the volumes of the Proceedings that will appear before the Conference.
  • NEW: Informing authors about the option of having their work included in the "HCII2024 - Late Breaking Papers" volumes of the Proceedings that will appear after the conference.

For HCII 2024 we plan to have 2-hourly parallel sessions with normally 5 to 6 papers each. Papers are allocated approximately 15 minutes, with an additional 5 minutes for question-and-answer period following each presentation.

  • If session organisers end-up with less than 5 presenters, the session may be allocated with other relevant paper(s) received through the regular submission process.
  • If, on the other hand more than 6 papers are received, session organisers are most welcome to consider expanding in two parallel sessions.

If session organisers wish to have a co-organizer, they will need to inform by email the Program Administration with his/her full contact details in order to enable access to the CMS.

Tentative Time Schedule


Please find below a tentative time-schedule, which you may wish to consider while setting-up your session proposal:

send out invitations through the CMS to potential session participants/authors, followed by personal contact

deadline for receiving through the CMS an entended abstract of 800 words or a full paper from the author(s)

deadline for providing feedback and notification of acceptance to the authors

deadline for receiving the full version of the paper from the authors

deadline for having recorded in the CMS the paper title and list of authors

provide feedback and final acceptance and/or suggestions for improvement of the papers to the authors

- submission by the authors through the CMS of the camera-ready full papers to be checked/approved by the session organizer
- checking the final version of submitted papers and approval through the CMS
- deadline for author registration in order to have their paper included in the volumes of the Proceedings that will appear before the Conference; all authors need to be reminded well in advance to register by 26 February 2024

deadline for author registration in order to have their paper included in the "HCII2024 - Late Breaking Papers" volumes of the proceedings to appear after the conference

submission by the authors through the CMS of the camera-ready full papers to be checked/approved by the session organizer

checking the final version of submitted papers and approval through the CMS

Registration Regulation (invited papers)

In order to provide a greater opportunity for more people to present at the Conference, multiple submissions by single authors cannot be accepted. Co-authors may appear on multiple papers, but each accepted paper, or poster, with multiple co-authors should have a different Conference registrant.

For paper presentation at the Conference and inclusion of the full paper in the volumes of the Proceedings to appear before the Conference, one registration per (invited) submission is required by 26 February 2024.

For paper presentation at the Conference and inclusion of the full paper in the volumes of the Proceedings to appear after the Conference, one registration per (invited) submission is required by 10 May 2024.