40 years of HCI International. Join us in Washington DC to celebrate

Information for Paper Presenters

The format of HCII2024 conference is hybrid, extending the program to six days.

The first three days of the conference (29 June - 1 July) will comprise ‘virtual only’ parallel sessions for paper presentations (with remote only participation), and ‘hybrid’ Tutorials and Workshops (allowing both 'in-person' and remote participation options for participants).

The Opening Plenary Session (evening of 1st of July) and the parallel sessions that will take place 2-4 July will run as hybrid events (i.e., allowing both 'in-person' and remote participation options for presenters and participants).

Papers will be presented, ‘in-person’ or ‘virtually’, during the parallel sessions of the Conference that will have a 2-hour duration, with up to 6 papers each. Each paper will be allocated up to 15 minutes of presentation time, with an additional period of up to 5 minutes for questions and answers (Q&A) immediately after the presentation. We would like to remind you that the official language of the Conference is English.

Each session will have a Session Chair who will introduce the speakers and will moderate the discussion.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, the order of presentations within a session should be kept as listed in the Conference Final Program, as many attendees move from session to session in order to attend specific presentations.

In case a problem arises with a particular presentation (e.g. temporary technical difficulties), the Session Chair will make the necessary adjustments to the sequence of presentations of the session (allowing time for the technical problem to be fixed).

HCII2024 will use the Whova event platform for the hybrid operation of the conference. The Whova platform will be activated before the start of the conference and participants will be notified accordingly by email. Conference participation will be available both through a web browser and the Whova mobile app. For the live running of sessions, Zoom will be used embedded into the Whova platform.

There is no specific template available for the preparation of the presentations and no special formatting guidelines apply; presenters are welcome to use their preferred template.

In-Person Paper Presentations

All presentation rooms will be set up in theater style with a head table, for use by the presenters, the chair and the SV responsible in the room.
Each presentation room will be equipped with a laptop computer for PowerPoint presentations, placed on the head table.

The presentation laptop will be connected to:

  • A projector (resolution 1280 x 800 or better).
  • An external sound system for handling sound, connected to speakers for sound output and to two (2) microphones; one desktop placed on the head table for use by the presenters and one wireless for use by the chair and the audience for questions, for sound input.
  • A camera that will be placed in front of the head table, in order to transmit the video of the presenter to the remote participants.
  • internet through a wired connection.
The presentation laptop will also run the latest Zoom client in order to livestream the onsite presentations to Whova and project the remote presentations in the room. The laptop will be operated by the Student Volunteer responsible in the room.

Presenters are advised to be in the room at least 15 minutes before the beginning of the session, in order to familiarize themselves with the available equipment, and test their presentation.

Wireless internet connection will be available in all presentation rooms.


  • Direct connection of a presenter's laptop, or other devices, to the equipment available in the room will not be permitted.
  • Presenters and participants should not modify the hardware and software setup in the room in any way. In the extreme case that an adjustment needs to be made, presenters must inform the Student Volunteer responsible in the room before the start of the session.

Hardware specifications of the laptop:

  • Processor AMD Ryzen 5 7535U
  • RAM 8GB
  • Hard Drive Capacity 256GB SSD
  • USB 3.0 and 2.0
  • Screen 15’’ with resolution FHD 1920 x 1080 or better

Software available on the laptop (all in English language):

  • Windows 10 Pro
  • Microsoft Office 2021
  • Adobe Reader
  • Zoom client
Presenters should ensure in advance that:
  • Τheir PowerPoint presentation (PPTX) is running smoothly;
  • Αny software demonstrations are ready to be delivered through prerecorded videos;
  • Τhey have their presentation readily available in pdf format as a back-up;
  • Τhey carry with them a copy of their presentation files on a USB stick as a back-up.

Presenters should send their presentation in advance, no later than the 18th of June. A direct link to upload their presentations will be sent through email and will also be available through their CMS account.

Virtual Paper Presentations

HCII2024 will use the Whova platform for the hybrid operation of the conference. Virtual conference participation will be available both through a web browser and the Whova mobile app. For the live running of sessions, Zoom will be used embedded into the Whova platform.

Presenters are advised to also review the Whova Speaker Guide well in advance.

Connection to the live stream of each session will become available 30 minutes before its start. Presenters should join their session 25 minutes before its start, in order to participate in the Practice Session, during which they will be guided through the Whova and Zoom functionality.

For their remote participation, presenters should ensure in advance that:

  • Their (PPTX) presentation is running smoothly on their target device (the one they will use to join the conference).
  • They have a reliable internet connection - the requirement is 2Mbps at a minimum.
  • They are equipped with an external microphone and speakers / headphones, if their device does not have embedded ones.
  • The latest version of Chrome browser is installed on their target device for accessing the Whova platform through the web, in order to ensure compatibility and better performance, or the latest version of the Whova mobile app.
  • They have signed up to Zoom to create a free account, with the same name and email address used for their conference registration and a password of their choice.
  • They have signed up to Whova to create a free account, with the same name and email address used for their conference registration and a password of their choice.
  • They have reviewed the Whova Speaker Guide well in advance.
  • Their target device is compatible with the system requirements of Zoom, as Zoom will be used embedded into Whova, for the live running of sessions.
  • For better performance, they should consider downloading and installing the Zoom client in their target device well in advance, otherwise Zoom will begin to download automatically when they join the first Zoom meeting introducing delays in their connection.
  • If they have an older installation of Zoom, they are advised to update it to the latest version well in advance.
  • If they are new to the Zoom platform, they can review the Zoom getting started guide for the next steps on how to use Zoom after installation.
  • Test their setup by joining a Zoom test meeting well in advance.

Before joining the session, all presenters:

  • Are strongly advised to use a quiet room for their on-line connection.
  • Should make sure that their equipment is properly functioning.
  • Should sign in to Zoom in the same Chrome browser window that they will use to join Whova with the same name and email address used for their conference registration.

Presenters should take into account the following instructions, to share their presentation:

  • They should select the session they present, available through the Agenda menu item in Whova. Then, they should join the session through the native Zoom app choosing Join in Zoom (not Join in Whova).
  • They should select the "Share Screen" option to share their screen.
  • If they are using more than one display monitor, they should ensure that they share the appropriate screen displaying their presentation output.
  • If they wish to present a video within their presentation, they should select "Share Screen", and make sure to check the following options on the popup window: “Share sound” and “Optimize for video clip”. They are also strongly advised to have the video readily available as a separate file.
  • They are also strongly recommended to have their camera turned on during their presentation.