40 years of HCI International. Join us in Washington DC to celebrate


The past decades witness two defining global phenomena: 1) the world population is aging at an unprecedented rate; 2) modern societies are deeply infused by information technologies. The aging experience is inevitably shaped by the design, operation, and use of IT systems and services. Whereas many emerging technologies, applications, and services show promising potentials to empower older people to thrive, they can also impose, or amplify, various challenges for older people to participate and benefit from the digital evolution of societies. Including and updating considerations for older people in the design of IT systems and services are of paramount importance to ensure that they can contribute to positive effects on physical, mental, social, and economic well-being of older people.

The International Conference on Human Aspects of IT (ITAP) aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from a broad range of relevant disciplines and domains to exchange 1) research contributions on older people's abilities and competencies, needs and requirements, and attitudes and behavioral patterns in relation to IT use; 2) innovative ideas, practices, and experiences related to the design, operation, and evaluation of IT applications, systems, and services for older people.

The first ITAP conference was held in 2015, as an integral part of the HCI International conference series. In 2024, the conference will arrive its 10th edition. Over these years, ITAP has served as a discussion forum for researchers and practitioners from a variety of relevant domains, presenting over 800 papers from over 30 countries. We look forward to welcoming researchers and practitioners who conduct research, develop applications and services, or would like to learn from these results to support older people's better use of IT to join this cross-disciplinary colloquium.

Call for participation leaflet (115KB)

Submit your Paper Proposal

(Please create an account to the Conference Management System before you proceed with the submission)

The related topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Interaction design and evaluation for older adults
    • VR, AR, XR for older adults
    • AI-driven smart services for older adults
    • Natural language interfaces for older adults
    • Smart voice assistants
    • Aging and ubiquitous computing
    • Design methodology involving older adults
      • Generational differences in IT use
      • Gerontechnology across cultures and disciplines
      • Aging and privacy considerations
      • Involving older adults in HCI methodology
      • Methods to capture the daily life of older adults
      • Promoting health among older adults
        • E-Health and telehealth
        • IT supported preventive care and chronic diseases control
        • Technology supporting and promoting healthy lifestyle among older adults
        • Technology supporting and promoting physical activity and fitness
        • Persuasive technology for older adults
        • Technology for cognitive well-being
        • IT support for caregivers
        • Strengthening social connectedness in older adults
          • Online social interaction and social networking for older adults
          • Aging and social media
          • Technology for civic engagement
          • IT-supported intergenerational social interaction
          • Social robots
          • Building elder-friendly environments and smart home technologies
            • Smart home and IoT
            • Automation and robotics
            • Accommodations for aging-in-place
            • Living labs for technologies for older adults
            • Surveillance and alert system for older adults
            • Technology for housekeeping
            • Daily living activity support
            • Supporting mobility and transportation for older adults
              • Transportation information systems for older adults
              • Aging and driving safety
              • Navigation aids for older adults
              • Enhancing life quality and experience for older adults
                • News consumption and information credibility for older adults
                • Accessibility of governmental digital services
                • Usability of public kiosks and information appliances
                • IT use and leisure time activities of older adults
                • Silver gaming and senior gamers' behaviors
                • IT-supported travel and tourism for older adults
                • Older adults’ use of video sharing and live streaming services
                • Life-long learning of older adults
                • Supporting social-economic well-being for older adults
                  • Online financial security and fraud with older adults
                  • Robo-advisor for older adults
                  • E-commerce among older adults
                  • Friendly work environment for older adults
                  • IT for knowledge transfer for senior employees
                  • IT literacy and competency of older adults
                  • T-supported job training
  • Program Chair


    Tsinghua University, P.R. China

  • Program Chair


    Chongqing University, P.R. China

  • Board Members

  • Bessam Abdulrazak
    University of Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Ines Amaral
    University of Coimbra, Portugal
  • Maria Jose Brites
    Lusófona University, CICANT, Portugal
  • Alan Chan
    City University of Hong Kong, P.R. China
  • Yue Chen
    East China University of Science and Technology, P.R. China
  • Yong Gu Ji
    Yonsei University, Korea
  • Hai-Ning Liang
    Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, P.R. China
  • Eugene Loos
    Utrecht University, Netherlands
  • Yan Luximon
    The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
  • Zhaoyi Ma
    Nanjing University of Science and Technology, P.R. China
  • Lourdes Moreno Lopez
    Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
  • Jinging Qiu
    University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, P.R. China
  • Alvaro Taveira
    University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, United States
  • Wang-Chin Tsai
    Department of Creative Design, Taiwan
  • Ana Isabel Veloso
    University of Aveiro, Portugal
  • Nadine Vigouroux
    Paul Sabatier University, France
  • Jiaoyun Yang
    Hefei University of Technology, P.R. China

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The HCI International Conference respects the decisions of all its contributors, engaged in any way, regarding their institutional affiliations and designations of territories, in all material / content published in its website, taking a neutral stance in relation to any disputes or claims. Moreover, the HCI International Conference fully concurs with the Territorial Neutrality Policy of Springer Nature, Publisher of its proceedings.