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Information for Poster Presenters

The modality of poster presentations can be 'in-person', 'virtually', or both, and is determined by the method of participation of the presenter of each poster.

Presenters who have selected to attend ‘in-person’ are expected to use both modalities of presentation, i.e., ‘in-person’ and ‘virtually’, while those who have selected to attend ‘remotely’ will be able to present ‘virtually’ only.

The ‘in-person’ poster presentations will be available to all ‘in-person’ conference participants, from 2 to 4 July, mounted on poster boards, in the International Ballroom of the venue, in the Conference Posters and Exhibition Area where the Refreshment Breaks will take place.

The ‘virtual’ poster presentations will be available to all conference participants for the entire six-day period of the conference, from 29 June to 4 July, through the award-winning Whova events platform that will be used for the hybrid operation of the conference. The Whova platform will be activated before the start of the conference and participants will be notified accordingly by email.

All poster presentations will be listed in Whova and conference participants will be able to pose their questions to poster presenters using all the communication channels available through the platform (chat, email, etc).

There is no specific template available for the preparation of the posters and no special formatting guidelines apply; presenters are welcome to use their preferred template.

NOTE: Presenters and participants should note that the display number of a poster in Whova may be different from the ‘in-person’ presentation board display number assigned during check-in.

In-Person Poster Presentations

Poster presentations will be mounted on poster boards with landscape orientation.
Each poster presentation will be assigned one side of the poster board with a usable area of :

  • Length: 7'6" (2,25 meters)
  • Height: 3'6" (1,05 meters)

The total height of each poster board is 6' (1,83 meters).

The display number of each poster presentation will be indicated on the top right corner of the board with a label size of 6"x6" (15cm x 15cm).

Poster presenters are kindly asked to request the board display number of their poster presentation during their check-in at the Registration Desk, as it will be assigned dynamically at the time they check-in.

Presenters can mount single or multiple sheets of paper, pictures, or any printed material on the soft fabric of the boards only with push pins, which will be available onsite.
Posters of A1 paper size can easily fit in portait orientation, while posters of A0 size can easily fit in landscape oriantation.
You can check paper sizes, using an online tool, such as www.papersizes.io

Authors of posters are kindly asked to make themselves available during the Conference (2-4 July) to present their work and answer questions about their poster to Conference participants onsite. It is up to the presenters to arrange the date(s) and time(s) they will be available; they may wish to indicate on the poster board and in Whova when they will be available to provide brief presentations and answer questions about their poster to Conference participants.


Posters Timetable

Poster set-up

Tuesday, 2 July

Starting at 10:00

Opening Hours

Tuesday, 2 July 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday, 3 July 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday, 4 July 09:00 - 16:00

Poster dismantle

Thursday, 4 July

16:00 - 18:00

Virtual Poster Presentations

Virtual poster presentations will be provided through Whova in the form of an image (required), a video (optional) and an additional large poster (optional). Image 1 below illustrates a poster presented only through an image, while Image 2 below refers to a poster presented both through an image and a video presentation. At run time, poster presentations will be optimized for the best view on the device of each conference participant.

Image 1: Poster presented only through an image

Image 2: Poster presented both through an image and a video


How to prepare the poster image (required)

The image file for a poster presentation is recommended to have a size of 800x450 pixels, with a maximum of 1000x1000 pixels in JPG or PNG format, optimized for screen presentation over the web (not in high resolution print quality). It is recommended that the content of the poster image should include a concise overview of the work, with clear illustrations and attractive visual design.

How to prepare the large poster version (optional)

Poster presenters have the option to provide an additional large version of the poster presentation that can accommodate more information and details. This can be a PDF file with a maximum size of 10MB; there are no limitations about the view size, the resolution or the print quality. It will be available for download by participants who would like to get a more detailed view of the poster. It is also recommended that the content of the large poster version should include a concise overview of the work with clear illustrations and attractive visual design.

How to prepare the video presentation (optional)

Poster presenters can create their video by recording a computer-based presentation (typically a PPTX) or by capturing their computer screen while demonstrating their work.

Please prepare all material and narrations in English, keeping in mind that the video presentation will be viewed by an international audience. During the recording please speak clearly and slower than usual.

We strongly recommend that such a video is self-explanatory, so that conference participants will not need to read the ‘extended poster abstract’ (short research paper published in the Springer CCIS proceedings) in order to understand the work presented.

When the video presentation is ready, presenters are advised to upload it to one of the hosting partners listed below supported by Whova, without making it public, and then copy and save the 'share link'.

  • Preferred Video Hosting Partners: Youtube, Vimeo, DailyMotion, SlidesLive
  • Other Recommended Services: Zoom Recordings, Wistia, Sprout Video, Brightcove, iPlayerHD, VeritasTV, Crowdcast, and Wix Video

Indicatively, presenters can use this guide for uploading their video to YouTube and make sure that under the Privacy Settings they select “Unlisted”.


How to submit the presentation

When the Whova platform is ready to accept content, presenters will receive an email notification, originated by the platform, with a link to view and setup their poster presentation.

Initially all poster presentations will be assigned a ‘display number’ and will include a link to the Springer CCIS proceedings for the published ‘extended poster abstract’, if available.

As shown in Image 3, presenters can view the form for setting up a poster presentation. At run time, this form will be optimized for the best view on their device.

Through the setup link, each presenter should upload: a) the poster image file, b) the optional large poster file and c) the optional link to the video presentation (share link from a hosting partner). Furthermore, presenters will be able to add the co-authors of their poster, who are registered for the conference, as additional presenters, so that they also take part in the presentation of their work.

After submission, presenters have the option to preview their poster presentation. The submission process can be repeated as many times as they wish without any limitation.

IMPORTANT! It is strongly recommended for presenters to setup their poster presentations before 29 June 2024 (start of the Conference).

Image 3: The form for setting up a poster presentation


For their virtual participation in the HCII2024 hybrid conference, though Whova, poster presenters and registered authors should ensure in advance that:

  • they have a reliable internet connection - the requirement is 2Mbps at a minimum;
  • they are equipped with an external microphone and speakers / headphones, if their device does not have embedded ones;
  • the latest version of Chrome browser is installed on their target device for accessing Whova platform through the web, in order to ensure compatibility and better performance, or the latest version of Whova mobile app;
  • they have signed up to Whova to create an account, with the same name and email address used for their conference registration and a password of their choice;
  • they have reviewed the Whova Attendee Guide well in advance;
  • their target device is compatible with the system requirements of Zoom, as Zoom will be used embedded into the Whova platform, for the live running of sessions with paper presentations;
  • for better performance, they should consider downloading and installing the Zoom client on their target device well in advance, otherwise Zoom will begin to download automatically when they join the first Zoom meeting introducing delays in their connection;
  • if they have an older installation of Zoom, they are advised to update it to the latest version well in advance;
  • if they are new to the Zoom platform, they can review the Zoom getting started guide for the next steps on how to use Zoom after installation;
  • they have tested their setup by joining a Zoom test meeting well in advance.