40 years of HCI International. Join us in Washington DC to celebrate


Tutorials aim to provide practical guidance

at introductory, intermediate or advanced level, regarding any of the Conference topics

Tutorial attendees are expected to increase their knowledge and skills

in their profession or research area, through a 4-hour session

Accepted tutorials will be presented through the Conference website

along with a description and short CV of the tutor

Submit a tutorial proposal

Prospective authors should submit tutorial abstracts (300 words) including the essence of the planned tutorial

Guidelines for camera-ready

Submit a tutorial proposal

Prospective authors should submit tutorial abstracts (300 words) including the essence of the planned tutorial

Guidelines for camera-ready

Tutorials aim to provide practical guidance

at introductory, intermediate or advanced level, regarding any of the Conference topics

Tutorial attendees are expected to increase their knowledge and skills

in their profession or research area, through a 4-hour session

Accepted tutorials will be presented through the Conference website

along with a description and short CV of the tutor

Submission Guidelines

Abstract length:
300 words

Deadline for abstract submission:
henceforth by invitation only

Notification of review outcome:
28 November 2023 (new date)

Deadline for camera-ready submission:
31 May 2024 (extended deadline)

Tutorials will run as 'hybrid' events. Tutors are themselves expected to attend in-person, while participants will have the option to attend either in-person or virtually.
Each tutorial will run for 4 hours including a 30-minutes refreshment break.

Tutorial proposals can be submitted at introductory, intermediate and advanced levels covering the entire spectrum of the topics of the Conference.

Prospective tutors submit abstracts (300 words) including:
  • the objective, content, and target audience
  • relevant material and links to previously presented tutorials (if available)
  • bio sketch of presenter(s)

Notification of acceptance will be made by the 24th of November 2023.

Authors of accepted Tutorials will be requested to submit their final camera-ready Tutorial Handouts by the 31st of May 2024. Guidelines for the preparation of camera-ready tutorial handouts are available.

Registration Regulation

Tutorial presenters do not need to register for the Conference unless they are presenting a paper/poster or if they would also like to attend the Conference.